
「走近 — 荷李活道貳」延續2020年首次舉辦時的宗旨,以當代藝術介入古董店的日常環境和運作, 塑造一場歷史與現代、藝術與工藝的對話。是次展覽由南豐集團「世界之約」與MUSTHAVEKEYS合辦,希望展示中上環區的文化,同時提出可持續生活的理念。

是次展覽將以荷李活道「古董街」為主題, 展出六位香港藝術家及創作單位的全新作品。計劃過程中,他們與四所專注不同範疇的古董店作交流。一系列全新創作受到古董店的發展歷史和藏品啟發,予以重新整合、演繹, 並解放舊有之物和挪用不同歷史元素,反映這個時代的欲望和想像;同時作品創作的物料,有部份是沿用了剩餘的物料創作,以提出舊物的價值及處理舊物料的應有態度。


展覽於2021年10月11日至11月14日期間在上環Nan Fung Place、乾馨唐、如壹藝術館、瀚明、永興行四間荷李活道古董店同時舉行。


As an extension of the first exhibition in 2020, “Up Close – Hollywood Road II” takes contemporary art into the everyday environment and operation of antique shops, creating a dialogue between past and present, arts and crafts. Jointly organised by Nan Fung Group’s “In Time Of” programme and MUSTHAVEKEYS, the exhibition features cultural scenes of Central and Sheung Wan, and highlights the concept of sustainable living.

Works by six Hong Kong artists and creative units are developed around Hollywood Road, aka the Antique Street. The artists have collaborated with four antique galleries, each with its own speciality. Inspired by the history and collections of these galleries and adopting assorted historical elements, the artists attempt to restructure, reinterpret, and liberate age-old objects from their original status. The artworks reflect the yearnings and imaginations of the times. The materials used, some of which are manufacturing residues, reveal the values of old objects and the right attitudes towards processing such items.

The organisers wish to use contemporary art, both forward-looking and uniquely charming, to connect the Sheung Wan business district with the Hollywood Road community. By walking into antique shops that feel endearing yet distant, and taking a dip in antique collections, viewers can gain a deeper understanding of this emblematic creative industrial group and ponder upon how antiquities can develop in the new era. A guided tour that presents Hollywood Road as an intricate part of the Sheung Wan community explores the historical development of the surrounding areas.

The exhibition takes place in Nan Fung Place and across multiple venues on Hollywood Road — Bonnie Lai Antiquities, GALLERY149, Hon Ming Gallery, and Wing Hing Co from 11 October to 14 November 2021.