
劉學成,1979年在香港出生,畢業於澳洲皇家墨爾本理工大學,以雕塑和裝置為主要創作媒介,曾多次參與本地和海外的藝術家駐場計劃及創作;2007年獲香港藝術推廣辦事處選為「藝遊鄰里計劃」 推介藝術家之一。2016年獲香港藝術發展局頒授「藝術新秀奬(視覺藝術)」。作品於香港及世界各地展出,並成為本地和國際收藏家的藏品。

Lau Hok Shing

Lau Hok Shing, born 1979 in Hong Kong, is a graduate of RMIT University specialising in sculptures and installations. Having participated in multiple local and overseas artist-in-residence projects, Lau was chosen as one of the highlighted artists by the Hong Kong Art Promotion Office for its “Artists in Neighbourhood scheme II 2008”, and awarded the Hong Kong Arts Development Awards 2016 - Award for Young Artist (Visual Arts). His works have been exhibited and collected locally and around the world.