
麥穎森,1996年在香港出生,畢業於香港浸會大學視覺藝術院,現於英國坎伯韋爾藝術學院修讀藝術碩士;2020年獲「香港版畫工作室年獎」,並於2021年在香港版畫工作室舉行個展「Dear Universe」。其他參與展覽包括:2019年在PMQ元創方舉行的「盛載著」、大館當代美術館的「BOOKED: 2021 藝術書籍POP-UPS」,以及Hot Bed Press的「20:20 Print Exchange 2019」。

Sammi Mak

Sammi Mak, born 1996 in Hong Kong, is a graduate of Academy of Visual Arts from Hong Kong Baptist University. Currently pursuing her master’s degree at Camberwell College of Arts, Mak is the winner of 2020 HKOP Award in Printmaking and has staged her solo exhibition “Dear Universe” at Hong Kong Open Print. She has also participated in exhibitions such as “Containing” at PMQ, “Booked: 2021 Art Book Pop-Ups” at Tai Kwun Contemporary, and “20:20 Print Exchange 2019” by Hot Bed Press.